Best Wedding DJ Hire in Essex & London
Our three Essex & London Wedding DJs have 14+ years experience catering to crowds across Essex & London. We love to work with couples and curate the perfect playlist for their wedding celebration and we always welcome requests before and during the event.
"They were super helpful and responsive in the planning, going above and beyond to make sure everything was perfect for us."
Hannah M
Our Essex & London Wedding DJ Packages & Prices
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Playlists curated for you (or by you)
Your wedding music, your way! Share your favourite songs, and we'll craft the perfect playlist around them. You can also let us know any tunes or genres you want to avoid and we'll keep it off the list. We work with couples to create a memorable celebration and welcome requests before and during the event!
"They made our wedding night! We’re still getting compliments from our guests for the music."
Katie E
We're only a text away (or a DM)
Shoot us a WhatsApp message, and we'll get back to you the same day. Whether it's last-minute song requests, booking the Photo Booth, or just chatting about the day's schedule, we're all ears.
"Easy to communicate with during the planning process and really helpful with the queries - even during some last minute first dance changes."
Rachael F